Sea Bream Crudo

© Bean Dearnley


Sky high in healthy fats, this recipe is light, vv easy and vv skin-friendly. Use only super fresh fish from a lovely fishmonger.  In Season June/July/August.

~ Flora Budenburg


Sea Bream Crudo



2 sea bream fillets, skinned
1 red chilli, chopped finely
1/4 green pepper, chopped finely
100ml extra virgin olive oil
Small thumb of ginger, grated
1/2 bunch coriander, chopped
1 Lime
Good pinch sea salt


Thinly slice the fillets, and toss in all of the ingredients except the lime

Only when ready to eat, squeeze over the lime and go for it. 



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Recipe + Photography by © Flora BudenburgAll rights reserved. 

Flora Montgomery